My world trip in massage

The Netherlands, China,

Hawaii and India



How do you view life?

Different continents, each with its own view of the same person.

Which form of massage suits you?



The Netherlands

As a down-to-earth Dutch person, we believe in biology. Anatomy, physiology and pathology.

A muscle needs nutrition, exercise and not too much strain.

Waste products that are created when the strain is too great can affect the muscle and cause myogelosis.

These are (small) parts of a muscle, sometimes also in strands, that can no longer come out of contraction.

This cramped condition causes that the muscle is no longer healthy and a build-up of waste products (lactic acid) occurs.

Through massage, the muscles are treated for a faster recovery

and a helping hand in releasing and removing these waste products.

The NGS, Dutch Society for Sports Massage stands for quality in knowledge and practice.




Meridians and acupressure

In 2016 I started my deepening in massage and energy.

I worked for a year at a Chinese massage parlor where I became familiar with this ancient massage theory.

Our longest energy path, the bladder meridian, has been explored as well as the associated acupuncture points.

My sense of touch has developed so that I can easily feel the acupuncture points.

Our bladder meridian connects to all our organs.




Shamanic massage

Followed a training with Kiom, the Lomi Lomi massage.

Holism, everything is connected to each other.

All things around you, the cosmos, but also your ancestors and our life energy.

Massage focused on your personal intention.

Open yourself to the power that universally directs and guides us.

We start this massage with a moving meditation called the Flying Dance

followed by a Pule; prayer,

a purification ritual for clean hands during the massage,

and the inhalation of Ha:

the breath of the life of birth and death, love and family, triumph and tragedy.





During my work as a masseuse in the sauna, I came into contact with Ayurveda.

The massage offered is a relaxation massage that strives after balance in the control of your body.

This massage theory is also centuries old and describes the role of

the 4 energy points that play together and form a unity.

Ojas, the energy that nourishes and cares for everything

Our head where the basic energy Kapha rules, which provides structure

Our heart where Pitta rules, fire and movement

Our belly where Vata rules, our digestive system and instinct

Balance between Kapha, Vata and Pitta ensures that we are in our power

and can make our decisions from a correct balance point

to be able to process and digest Ama, our undigested experiences that cause blockages.

Freeing Agni, the flame of life, for light and energy in every Marma.

This form of massage focuses more on "the head" and how we go through life.

Do you suffer from too little energy, which means you can't get up from the couch,

or do you always walk a bit too fast and in a hurry?

A disturbed Kapha energy can manifest itself in brooding.

Treat your own energy through massage, meditative music and delicious herbal oil.




Marma Therapy

In addition to relaxing balance massages, India also has a healing form of therapy called Marma therapy.

Treatment of specific vital points of the body.

A massage technique for activating and purifying our marma points,

points where our consciousness,

Veda, the silent intelligence of nature

and the cosmos come together.

This form of therapy is not yet offered, but then you know what to expect in the future.





loving greetings from Lianne